Sun Hwang-She is a founder and Producer of Suns Media Systems which produces podcasts and video contents, which focus on the issues important to the Korean American community and other Asian American communities. Since its creation seven years ago, she has amassed a huge following-over 30,000-40,000 followers in Maryland and other States and has assisted numerous immigrants to better understand issues that may have an impact on their livelihood. She has also served as Communication Director of Korean American Public Action Committee to promote peace throughout the World and the Korean Peninsula.
지금까지 대부분의 방송물 영상 녹화 중계 등의 기술 분야는 남성들에 의해 이루어졌다. 누구도 그런 기술과 능력에 대해 딴지를 거는 여성은 없었다. 그러나 Sun은 과감하게 딴지를 건다. 그리고 남성 노동력이 없이 Sun이 직접 모든 것을 디렉팅하고 프로듀싱한다. 그리고 동포 사회에 꼭 필요한 이벤트 중계 녹화와 캠페인 제작, 페북 홍보물 제작까지 도맡아 "미니멀라이징"의 기술진보까지 이루었다. 물론 라디오 쌍방향 방송진행과 인터뷰 진행 등 컨텐츠 개발에도 열심히다.
미주 동포사회에 이벤트 풀녹화 중계를 공중파 제작 수준으로 제작하는 프로덕션은 전무하다. 중계차가 없이도 그래픽과 오디오,영상과 카메라, 송출에 이르기까지 방송국 퀄러티를 재현해 내기 때문에 미국 동서부를 다니며 어떠한 이벤트와 컨텐츠도 디렉팅과 프로듀싱을 할 수가 있다. 전세계에 유일무이한 제작사, Suns Media System LLC !
모든 컨텐츠는 썬에 의해 제작되고 있으며 4차 산업혁명 시대와 코로나 시대에 완벽하게 준비된 초고급 인력이다.
Until now, most technical fields such as video recording and relaying of broadcasts have been done by men. No woman ever questioned those skills and abilities. However, Sun boldly puts an end to it. And with no male labor, Sun directly directs and produces everything. In addition, she took charge of event relay recording, campaign production, and Facebook promotional material production, which are essential for the Korean community, and even made technological progress in "minimalization." Of course, she is also working hard on content development, such as radio interactive broadcasting and conducting interviews.
There is no production that produces a full-recorded broadcast of an event at the level of public television production in Korean American communities. Because it reproduces the quality of a broadcasting station from graphics and audio, video and camera, to transmission without a truck, it is possible to direct and produce any event and content while traveling in the east and west of the United States. The one and only broadcasting station in the world, Suns Media System LLC!
All content is produced by Sun, and it is a super-high-level woman's power perfectly prepared for the era of the 4th industrial revolution and the corona pandemic.
Producer & Technical director Sun Hwang